Author: Stratedia

Benefits of Skylights

Rooftop windows and skylights can give a number of advantages to homeowners. They can increase the overall value (equity) of your home, and they can solve certain issues in stuffy, cold or dark rooms.

Adding natural light (and solar heating) to your spaces

The biggest benefit of skylights is how they let natural light into your space. And with that light comes solar heat. Natural light is known to improve mood and even help with performance in workplaces. And heating your home with sunlight can save on heating costs during the chilly seasons.

Letting in fresh air and better ventilation

Skylight windows can open to let in the fresh air. This helps with cross ventilation in stuffy rooms, freshens up the air and cools down your living spaces without turning on the air conditioner.

Saving on energy costs (electric and heating)

As we mentioned above, sunlight can heat up your spaces and cross ventilation can cool them down. Each can cut down on your energy costs (just make sure to install a skylight that’s leak-proof and has laminated glass!)

Aesthetic changes add to the resale value

Cosmetic changes like skylights can add equity into your home, upping the resale value and giving certain rooms an attractive, natural light atmosphere.

Natural views and “adding space” to a room

Similar to adding mirrors on the walls, skylights can make a room “feel bigger” and more spacious. Plus, you can get a view of night sky or nature during the day.

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Author: Stratedia

2024-10-10T16:52:39+00:00April 1st, 2022|Skylights, Windows|

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