Author: Stratedia

Raising or Replacing Your Concrete

Your house will not stay new forever and will start set­tle and soil erodes. This isn’t something to be shocked about because it is a nor­mal part of a home’s aging process. While it can be normal it can still wreak hav­oc on your con­crete, caus­ing it to sink. Whether it’s your patio, front porch­, dri­ve­way, side­walk, steps, or pool deck, hav­ing uneven con­crete can lead to dan­ger­ous issues.

In the past, replac­ing the con­crete and mud­jack­ing were your only options, but now there is another option – you can raise it with polyurethane. This technique offers a cost-effi­cient way to lev­el out your con­crete quickly.


We use polyurethane foam to raise uneven con­crete sur­faces and sta­bi­lize the soil. It’s much faster than replac­ing and you can typ­i­cal­ly resume using the con­crete areas around your home in a mat­ter of minutes!


Mud­jack­ing is anoth­er form of con­crete rais­ing that uses cement and sand. It is still a viable way to repair con­crete, but polyurethane foam has ben­e­fits that can­not be denied.

The ben­e­fits of foam

  • Few­er holes to drill saves a lot of time
  • Small­er​“pen­ny-sized” holes reduce patchwork
  • It’s only 4 lbs. per cubic yard opposed to the 120 lbs. of mudjacking
  • Imme­di­ate turn­around: Walk or dri­ve on it 15 min­utes after installation
  • Cost effec­tive: Min­i­mal labor and com­plete in one day
  • No need for reconstruction
  • Reduces trip haz­ards and restores prop­er­ty value

Don’t let it hap­pen again

So after you raise your con­crete, how do you keep it from sink­ing again? Using a rep­utable com­pa­ny like Fam­i­ly Water­proof­ing is the best way to ensure the job is done right the first time and will help reduce the like­li­hood that you’ll have to do it again. And as a home­own­er, you can lessen the chances for sink­ing con­crete by mak­ing sure down­spouts are direct­ing water away from your con­crete, thus reduc­ing soil ero­sion around these surfaces.


Pinnacle Concrete Solutions (Concrete Lifting Near Me) are your local experts for all your lifting, leveling and concrete repair needs in Connecticut and surrounding states. Concrete slabs that are cracked, sunken or uneven can be both dangerous and a liability on your property. If you’re looking to avoid safety hazards and restore the curb appeal of your sidewalk, driveway, pool deck, parking lot or any other concrete surface, the experienced technicians at Pinnacle Concrete Solutions can help.

As your regional Foam concrete lifting company, we have the experience, expertise and equipment to level your sunken concrete and return it back to a safe, stable position. Don’t hesitate to call us or contact us online to schedule an on-site inspection your free cost estimate in Connecticut or an area nearby.

Author: Stratedia

2024-10-10T15:11:23+00:00November 2nd, 2022|Concrete Leveling, Mudjacking, Polyurethane Foam|

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