Author: Stratedia

New Vehicle Ads Search Placement to Help Auto Sellers Now On Google

More and more people are using the web to search for auto purchase options and Google is finally starting to leaning into this trend. Google now has new vehicle ads on Search, that will display nearby cars for sale, and provide a more direct connection from search results. Google’s new vehicle ads option will enable auto sellers to occupy valuable top of search real estate, helping to maximize attention and response.

Google explains it as:

For example, if someone searches for a 2019 SUV, they’ll see several vehicle options they can either purchase nearby or get delivered – along with pictures and inventory information like location, make, model, price and mileage. Once they select a car, the ad will direct them to the vehicle description page on your website where they can fill out a lead form or get your dealership’s contact information.”

In order to use the new placement, auto advertisers will need to create a vehicle inventory data feed, and connect it via Google’s Merchant Center in order to fuel the listings, and ensure that they remain up to date.

It could be a good way to maximize awareness among searchers, and with 95% of vehicle buyers now using online sources to find vehicle information – twice as many as those that begin their research process at a dealer – that has to be a key consideration for auto sellers in the modern environment.

Indeed, Google says that advertisers who complemented their existing Search campaigns with its new vehicle ads saw a 25% average increase in conversion during beta testing. It may well end up being a key consideration.

Google’s new vehicle ad placement is currently available in the US, and will be coming to more countries soon.

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Author: Stratedia

2024-10-10T17:08:53+00:00April 1st, 2022|Contractor SEO, Digital Marketing, Google Ads, Search Ads, SEO|

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